May 29Liked by Alexandra Allen

Have you read Slow Productivity by Cal Newport? Similar themes to what you're saying here. I'm certainly TRYING to move back to a more slower pace and enjoyed the book.

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Rings a bell, will need to check it out! Always love a book recommendation from a trusted source.

The struggle is real with the fast paced nature of things. 😅

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Sounds like you both could do with a coaching session with me. One of the things I hear most from my clients is how they are able to slow down finally, and have the space to think and be present for themselves. There’s magic that happens in that slowed space

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Travel sure helps us appreciate our everyday homed mire, Ally. I wrote about slowing down by discovering sketching on my current trip.

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That’s so cool, Karena! Sketching sounds like a wonderful activity to be present and soak up the moment. :)

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The discovery was a whole new experience in slowing down! I was most surprised at how it slowed my breathing. And at the attention I now pay to the architecture in other buildings.

Congratulations on slowing down, and thanks for another great read.

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May 31Liked by Alexandra Allen

Loved this jaunt along some of the favourite sights and ways of being in the world of Alexandra!

The Bridgerton vibe reminds me of an actual “Bridgerton Show Garden” that was on display at the Chelsea flower show I went to last week.

I don’t know which came first: Slow Living or Slow Cooking, but I came across the latter before the former. Boy, do I love slow cooking…

And that’s what your writing brings out this time: savouring.

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Thanks, Eric! I saw the Bridgerton garden at the Chelsea flower show on instagram and had FOMO lol.

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May 30Liked by Alexandra Allen

I needed the reminder to practice ‘slow living’. Thanks for that helpful and necessary advice.

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Great read Alexandra , glad you came home to Beautiful Montreal ❤️

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