Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Liked by Alexandra Allen

I like this observation about how you can only connect the dots looking backward. I think this is very true. And that's a vital piece of information to have about this journey. Because what it means is that you have to keep moving forward without a map to start having a sense of where you are. There's the saying about how you can't navigate life through your rearview mirror, but in a way, it's exactly how the entrepreneur has to do things. You can't know where you're going until you know where you've been, and to know where you've been, you have to leave it behind so you can get a good look at it, and extrapolate upon that data to where you are now. oh man. that probably makes no sense, but oddly, some dots are connecting for me around this idea. : )

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Love the analogies, Rick! Especially around the rearview mirror. So true about having to embrace the unknown and make sense of things in time. Thanks for sharing!

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What a journey and so beautifully written with such fitting quotes. One thing is for sure your writing has reached new heights in those last two years without a doubt.

Glad you’ve found the way through and are coming out the other side of this dark period. I’d be always happy to hop on a call with you whenever it suits you. Merry Christmas!

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“One thing is for sure your writing has reached new heights in those last two years without a doubt.”

Your recognition of this means a lot, Tobi! Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement. Grateful to be in a sunnier place indeed.

Wishing you and your family (and all those precious little ones) a very merry Christmas as well! And would love to hop on a call in the new year to catch up. 😊

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Ali! You've found a way to give yourself what you really need: the rhythm of a community that's doing things with purpose, an environment that allows you to continue to nurture your talents in your entrepreneurship.

Thanks for sharing your experience with such genuine vulnerability.

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Thanks so much, Eric! You’ve hit the nail on the head about finding what I needed. Thanks for being such a thoughtful reader and contributor! Appreciate you. 😊

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Belated Happy Birthday, Alexandra!

You're wise beyond your years and absolutely totally total!

(And I didn't get the Moira connection either until I got it from you.)

I fully agree with you about “The best way to master something is to teach it to someone else.”

Learn-->Practice-->Apply-->Gain expertise-->Share/Teach-->Mastery (effortless ease)

Many smiles and much metta and all the best for your enthralling life-journey...

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Thank you so much, Rohi! I appreciate you sharing my post as well. Thanks again! 😊

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Alexandra Allen

Happy belated birthday Alexandra! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and offering encouragement to those navigating their own paths. Here's to a year of growth, connection, and discovering the dots that connect in unexpected and beautiful ways.

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Thank you so much, Winston! Much appreciated 😊

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Loved this and especially the part about feeling untethered like a balloon. Spot on 🎈

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Author

Thank you, Elizabeth! Glad the analogy resonates. I considered taking it further to describe an overinflated balloon (speaking to the pressures of managing everything yourself) but alas didn’t want to overcomplicate things. :)

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Alexandra Allen

Little late to this one, but I must again tell you how much I appreciate your candid writing Alexandra. You really gave this solopreneur-ship-thing a shot—that's what matters. You went for it. I guess all experiences are good experiences.

Speaking of which, have you written about that backpacking trip? I'm planning something similar (hopefully in the near future—maybe even in Europe!) and so I'd love to learn about it!

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Thanks, Ishan! Means a lot.

I wrote very little about it here: https://alexandraallen.substack.com/p/38th-edition-what-the-80-entry-points and in tomorrow’s newsletter I’ll share a bit more but come to think of it, I would like to write about it. Thanks for the prompt!

Any specific questions you have in mind that you’d like me to address in it? I’ll keep you posted on when I ship something.

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Oh I'm interested in the whole experience. Do ping me whenever you write about it :)

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