...inspiring...in the midst of the existential crisis of my home no longer being a place i can afford to live or feel supported by...my mind almanac is open to everywhere but finances are allowing only a few spaces with reality within...that said it is unfortunately close and probably time to leave my heart and home to where i am needed, or at least where i can stay and afford rent...the dream is to live everywhere someday...but have to start somewhere...inspiring...thank you...

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Thanks, CansaFis! Glad the message resonates and sorry to hear it hits home *literally*! 😅

I think you’re in LA if I recall correctly? Either way, doesn’t matter. It’s got to be terrible being pushed out of your hometown due to soaring rent and housing rates.

I was living in London with three flatmates when Brexit went down and while I hadn’t expected the UK to leave the EU, afterward many pro-Brexit voters explained to me they felt their membership in the EU was largely to blame for the housing shortages and astronomical living expenses.

As a temporary resident, my heart broke for all the UK citizens I knew who were essentially forced to move out of their home cities and towns to more affordable alternatives.

I hope you find an amazing alternative. I’m sure you will! But regardless, it sucks. If I’ve learned anything, the two are not mutually exclusive. 😊

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I luuuuved exploring the World as a young adult! I could not encourage and support that more. Will give it a read!

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