"Self-awareness is the foundation of self-improvement. Because intentional growth starts with benchmarking where we are in relation to where we want to go"

We live by the same creed and this post motivated me to not skip my weekly journaling review. You are right...reflection is needed to digest the gains from turning inwards.

I also loved the three tweets you featured...timelines and very useful lessons!

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Thanks for sharing all these gems. A limiting belief I’m learning to let go of us “my confidence is annoying.”

Calm and quiet confidence is my super power, but I’m challenging myself to be more explicit with my confidence and pitch myself more often in my writing and at work.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Alexandra Allen

Love the self-reflection exercise. I did it and it was helpful. And, yes, Regret, is soul-destroying.

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Hi Alexandra,

Thanks, this is totally total!

My *anchor* is disorganization and imbalance between my different priorities.

This year, I want to devote more time to meditation and let everything else be.

Also, I may have ADHD, which make everything more interesting and distracting. {:-)

Many smiles and much metta,


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Regret is absolutely the worst of the options. I've had many experiences with this as a performer and came to the conclusion that public embarrassment (rejection) is fuel and private embarrassment (regret) is poison.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Alexandra Allen

Wow, loved many parts of this issue. Funnily enough, when I did the self-reflection exercise, I couldn't find an anchor holding me back. Am I not trying hard enough? Or do I have so much conviction that I've just shattered all potential anchors? Man, I really don't know, but I probably need to reflect more.

Wanted to point out this line - "In entrepreneurship and creator communities, rejections are a badge of honour.". This is so good. In its own way, it INCENTIVIZES reaching out. Love it. Love the Main Character issue as well.

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Thought-provoking article! There is so much growth to be had when you truly become self-aware.

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